Malo poznata opasnost kod francuskih buldoga za koju vlasnici trebaju znati

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Francuski buldozi poznati su po zdravstvenim problemima vezanim uz disanje zbog svoje brahicefalične građe, što znači da njihove kratke i spljoštene njuške često uzrokuju respiratorne poteškoće. Međutim, postoji još jedan manje poznat, ali ozbiljan zdravstveni rizik kojem su mnogi francuski buldozi skloni je intervertebralna diskus hernija, poznata i kao IVDD.

Veterinarka dr. Molly Brinkmann nedavno je podijelila video u kojem objašnjava što je to IVDD i kako vlasnici francuskih buldoga mogu prepoznati prve simptome ove bolesti. Dr. Molly objašnjava da simptomi uključuju bol u leđima, poteškoće pri hodanju, a u nekim slučajevima čak i iznenadnu paralizu. Također je pojasnila što uzrokuje ovu bolest i na koje znakove upozorenja treba obratiti pozornost.

@drmollysays Did you know that Frenchies are predisposed to IVDD? If your Frenchie is showing signs of back pain, difficulty walking, or even sudden paralysis It could be Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD). What causes it? The discs in their spine act as cushions, but in breeds like Frenchies, these discs can degenerate faster. Over time, this can lead to them bulging or rupturing, putting pressure on the spinal cord. Symptoms to watch for: Your Frenchie may yelp in pain, have trouble moving their back legs, or appear weak. Some might even lose the ability to walk or control their bladder. 😔 If you notice these signs, time is crucial! Treatment options: Mild cases can often be managed with medications and strict rest. More severe cases may require surgery to relieve the pressure on the spinal cord. Prevention: While frenchies have genetic predispositions to this disease, keeping them at a healthy weight and providing them with consistent low impact exercise to maintain muscle mass and strength can help. Regular veterinary visits are also crucial! If you suspect IVDD, reach out to your vet ASAP! Early intervention can make all the difference. 💙 And, in case you didn’t know, veterinary neurology is a boarded specialty and in many cases like this your GP vet will offer referral to a neurologist who can performed advanced imaging and special surgery (wow!) if indicated. A couple of my favorite neuro accounts to follow for more detailed neurology information: @dvmcellini @animalneurodoc @southeastveterinaryneurology #FrenchBulldogCare #IVDD #frenchie #veterinary #veterinarian #vetmed #vetlife #frenchielife #frenchiemoms ♬ Nocturne in E flat - Frederic Chopin 降E大调夜曲-弗雷德里克肖邦 - Classical Piano Star

Ova je informacija od iznimne važnosti za svakog vlasnika francuskog buldoga jer IVDD može dovesti do ozbiljnih problema ako se ne prepozna i ne tretira na vrijeme. Često ljudi biraju francuske buldoge zbog njihova simpatičnog izgleda, nesvjesni zdravstvenih poteškoća koje se mogu pojaviti kasnije u životu. Zato je važno napraviti temeljito istraživanje prije nego što se odlučite za ovu pasminu kako biste bili sigurni da znate što vas sve očekuje.

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