Nakon 570 dana u skloništu, kujica proslavila drugi rođendan. Još uvijek čeka dom

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U skloništu PAWS Chicago kujica Tracy nedavno je proslavila 2. rođendan. Unatoč tome što je stekla mnoge prijatelje među osobljem skloništa, Tracy je još uvijek u potrazi za obitelji koja će je voljeti zauvijek. U skloništu je već 570 dana.

Proslava je bila emotivna i vesela. Volonteri skloništa prostor su ukrasili sa šarenim balonima, a pobrinuli su se i za tortu. Tracy opisuju kao veselu i razigranu kujicu, koja ima poteškoća s prilagodbom na nove situacije, zbog čega joj treba više vremena da se osjeti sigurnom.

Ova proslava nije samo običan rođendan, bila je to prilika da se još jednom skrene pažnja na ovu posebnu kujicu, u nadi da će pronaći nekoga tko će je prihvatiti baš takvu kakva je. Njezina vesela, ali i osjetljiva narav možda će inspirirati nekoga da joj pruži dom koji toliko dugo čeka.


Today is Tracy’s birthday, and her 570th day looking for a home.    Aside from a few foster stays, Tracy has grown up in the shelter. Today is her 2nd birthday, and we would love for her next birthday to be spent with a family of her own!   As her PAWS family that loves her deeply, here are our favorite things about Tracy: 🐾She loves other dogs, and would benefit from another playful dog in her new home 🐾She loves belly rubs 🐾She’s super smart! She knows sit, touch, place, paw, and we bet she could learn a whole lot more with someone who’s into training 🐾She loves snuffle mats, Kongs, and really any mental or physical enrichment that can work her big brain 🐾She has a big personality and an even bigger heart ❤️   So why is this happy, lovely girl still here with us? Tracy has a tough time with transitions, so it takes her a while to settle in to a new home. We’d love for a patient person to commit to her and give her time to discover how wonderful her new life will be.   And to help you and Tracy succeed for what will be an absolutely fun-filled life, she’s available for foster first with full support from PAWS!   Could you help us find Tracy’s people so she doesn’t have to spend another milestone in the shelter?

♬ original sound - PAWS Chicago
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