PAS koji je prije skoro godinu nestao iz svog doma u Kaliforniji pojavio se 3770 kilometara dalje u Michiganu. Društvo za udomljavanje životinja Grosse Pointe objavilo je na društvenim mrežama da je zabrinuti stanovnik kontaktirao lokalnu policiju i prijavio kako je vidio psa kako luta ulicama grada Harper Woods.
This is a story you are really going to want to hear and see. This is a tale that Hollywood would love to tell. Dog gets lost and finds it's way across the country. A good samaritan finds the dog and contacts her local police department. From here, there is a stunning course of events that reunites the family with their lost dog. And GPAAS is right in the middle of it. PLEASE watch this knowing that the process works. A conscientious family microchips their beloved pet. An unfortunate event happens with the dog being separated from them. A local resident makes the right decision. The synergy between a municipality and it's local animal shelter shines brightly. The technology of the microchip reunites the long, lost pup with it's forever family. PLEASE WATCH WITH VOLUME UP. This video will make you feel good all over. #experiencegpaas #gpaashideout ✌❤
Objavljuje Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society (GPAAS) u Srijeda, 3. travnja 2024.
Policija Harper Woodsa dovela je psa u sklonište, a uz pomoć mikročipa su otkrili da je riječ o psu koji je pobjegao prije devet mjeseci od vlasnika u San Diegu. Pas se zove Mishka. Sklonište je kontaktiralo Mishkine vlasnike, za koje se ispostavilo da su na odmoru u Minnesoti. Mishkin vlasnik, Mehrad Houman, vozio je 10 sati i 1110 kilometara kako bi je pokupio i vratio obitelji.
Iz društva za udomljavanje životinja tvrde da je pravi misterij kako je Mishka uspjela otići više od 3000 kilometara od kuće.
Missing dog turns up nine months later - and 2,000 miles from home A dog missing from California has been reunited with...
Objavljuje Spectrum FM Costa Almeria u Četvrtak, 4. travnja 2024.