LJUDI su u stanju izmisliti prava čuda kako bi si olakšali život. Iako većina ovih predmeta izgleda kao da je došla iz nekog futurističkog filma, oni postoje i prilično su korisni.
1. Kreditna kartica koja mijenja CVV broj svakih par sati
New credit card 3 digit (CVV) changes every 4 hours from r/mildlyinteresting
2. Ovako je medicinskom osoblju lakše pronaći vene
My veins under a hospital vein finder from r/mildlyinteresting
3. Hladnjak u kojem se police okreću tako da vam je sve nadohvat ruke
Our refrigerator has revolving levels so you can reach everything easily from r/mildlyinteresting
4. Domaća zadaća ima kod, a kad ga skeniraju, učenici mogu pogledati video s uputama od učitelja
My son's homework has a barcode that when scanned takes him to an instructional YouTube video posted by his teacher related to the lesson. from r/mildlyinteresting
5. Robot koji patrolira supermarketom i čisti pod
My local supermarket now has a googley-eyed robot whose sole purpose is to patrol the aisles looking for spills. Its name is Marty. from r/mildlyinteresting
6. Kad vam ovaj projektor više ne treba, lako ga je pospremiti u strop, a izgledat će kao samo još jedna pločica
This projector that comes down from a ceiling tile from r/mildlyinteresting
7. Bankomat na kojem možete odlučiti kakve vam točno novčanice trebaju
My banks atm let's you pick what bills you want from r/mildlyinteresting
8. Ovaj uređaj u knjižnici promijeni boju ako su ljudi oko njega preglasni
My school's library has noise-level guides that change colour when it gets too loud from r/mildlyinteresting
9. Baterija koju možete napuniti pomoću USB-a
You can charge this battery with a micro USB from r/mildlyinteresting
10. Petlja na cesti u Japanu
This road/railway layout is pretty cool from r/mildlyinteresting