MEĐU brojnim stvarima kojih smo se morali odreći u izolaciji mnogima najviše nedostaju posjeti frizeru i kozmetičaru. Silom prilika mnogi su kozmetičke zahvate morali obaviti sami doma, no nisu baš svi bili uspješni. Ekipa s Bored Pande pronašla je primjere pravih modnih katastrofa ljudi koji su se pokušali srediti kod kuće.
1. Proćelavo
WCGW Having my first buzz cut with the boys at 11pm without checking how much battery the razor has left. from r/Whatcouldgowrong
2. Promaklo
Quarantine self cut gone wrong... from r/Justfuckmyshitup
3. Joj
I'm reluctant to call what my wife did to me a haircut. But here it is. Well done wife, another string to your bow. from r/Justfuckmyshitup
4. Što može poći po zlu?
5. Kad sam pokušaš gelirati nokte
6. Bojenje kose
7. Ma samo ću malo skratiti
Quarantine + boredom + overconfidence = this monstrosity. from r/Justfuckmyshitup
8. Kad pustiš unuku da se igra frizerke
9. Održavanje frizure
Today my partner learned that you shouldn’t put off a haircut until the apocalypse when the only person left to do it (we’re in NYC) is your girlfriend who has never even trimmed her own ends. He calls this look “Cambodian Garbage Hitler.” from r/funny
10. Malo su izrasli
11. Manikura u kućnoj radinosti