U HOLIVUDSKIM filmovima sve izgleda savršeno i pogreškama jednostavno nema mjesta, ali iza toga stoje brojne pripreme.
Novinari Bored Pande skupili su fotografije nastale tijekom snimanja nekih popularnih filmova koje će vam pokazati kako su nastale određene scene prije dodavanja specijalnih efekata.
1. Ratovi zvijezda: Fantomska prijetnja
The podracing crowd in ‘The Phantom Menace’ was really 450,000 Q-Tips being blown about from r/Moviesinthemaking
2. Jurski svijet
3. Čuvari galaksije
that’s a good boy from r/Moviesinthemaking
4. Forrest Gump
Lieutenant Dan's Legs from r/Moviesinthemaking
5. Blade Runner
Blade Runner 2049: Before and after digital effects from r/Moviesinthemaking
6. Baby Driver
How the car was driven in Baby Driver when the actors were busy acting inside
7. Povratak u budućnost 3
Behind the scenes of Back to the Future Part lll from r/Moviesinthemaking
8. Zov divljine
9. Na putu prema dolje
Not a movie, but still interesting from r/Moviesinthemaking