Ime VHS-a koji je tip našao u podrumu otkriva zašto je fotka postala hit

Ime VHS-a koji je tip našao u podrumu otkriva zašto je fotka postala hit
Foto: Reddit

TIJEKOM renovacije može se pronaći svašta, od raznih crteža po zidu i mačeva do skrivenih VHS-ova sa sadržajem za odrasle. BuzzFeed je prikupio galeriju korisnika društvenih mreža koji su se iznenadili onime što su otkrili tijekom obnova ili kopajući po tavanima i podrumima, a neke od fotografija mogle bi iznenaditi i vas.

1. Reklama za Olimpijske igre 1988., nađeno tijekom renovacije kuhinje

This McDonald’s cup found in a wall during a kitchen renovation from r/mildlyinteresting

2. Stara vješalica

I found an old clothes hanger between the floor boards of my attic. It's so old the company's phone number is 4 digits. from r/mildlyinteresting

3. Rušio zid, našao savršeno očuvane limenke

Found perfectly preserved cans in a wall I was demolishing from r/mildlyinteresting

4. Iskopao u vrtu

These old drink cans I dug up while renovating my backyard. from r/mildlyinteresting

5. Ispod tapeta

Found this 20 year old promise hidden under the wallpaper in our new house. from r/mildlyinteresting

6. Stara žarulja - još radi!

I found this old lightbulb in my Grandparents’ house finished in 1902 and it still works from r/mildlyinteresting

7. Popravljao vodovod u podrumu, pronašao VHS s nazivom "Sexual Positions"

I found "Sexual Positions" on VHS, copyright 1985, hidden in basement rafters while repairing plumbing. from r/mildlyinteresting

8. Renovirali podrum, pronašli ovo

While renovating my basement we found this painting on the cement behind the wall from r/mildlyinteresting

9. Kalkulator s prabakinog tavana

Found this old calculator in my great grandmother's attic from r/mildlyinteresting

10. Bračni certifikat iz 1895.

Found a marriage certificate from 1895 in a flooded cabin we renovated. from r/mildlyinteresting

11. Skriveni mural

Friend tore down his wall for renovations and found this mural on another wall behind it. from r/mildlyinteresting

12. Milky Way iz zida

This Milky Way wrapper from 1961 I found in my wall from r/mildlyinteresting

13. Renoviranje 100-godišnje kuće

Renovating a 100 year old house, found what looks like a samurai sword under a section of the house that had a dirt floor. The sheath is metal on the outside and wood inside. Still sharp and heavy. from r/mildlyinteresting

14. Šampon Love me Tender

This bottle of Elvis Presley "Love Me Tender" Conditioning Shampoo from 1985 I found in my attic. from r/mildlyinteresting

15. I boca "mješavine" za kraj :)

Found a bottle of "The Mixture" during renovations. from r/mildlyinteresting
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