Moonman5, sad kada sam osobno išao još provjeravati, zapravo si u totalnom pravu. Ova porno glumica zapravo je samo "plagirala" pravo ime 14-godišnje djevojčice koja se razlikuje samo u jednom slovu od ove na slici, a zove se Ting Jia Fen (i zapravo ona boluje od makromastije, a ova je samo iskoristila priliku sa njenim imenom). Svejedno, bizarnostima nikad kraja, pa tako ova fotka ostaje, ali bio si u pravu :)
Bilo je već nekih pokušaja u pornoindustriji porno zvijezda sa ogromnim nakačenim implatatima ..Uglavnom, sve je propalo još početkom devedesetih...kada nadjem link, postati ću čisti FAKE!!
Best Answer: There's a web site that looks bogus as heck. Lots of pictures of asian girls with freakishly large boobs. They put a story on the web site about how he found them and thus got named "Farang Ding Dong" (refers to the German discoverer of "these girls"). Rumors abound about how they must have at least 6 operations a piece or the use of polypropylene (silly-string) implants that grow forever. The story on the web site talks about some mysterious root that they rub into their breasts. If it were true, there'd be a huge market for it and there doesn't appear to be one. A japanese clinic is experimenting with stem cells from your own body to promote fat cell growth around the breasts, but there doesn't appear to be any connection.