Poljupcem protiv mržnje

Fotografija dvoje mladih pojavila se na Redditu i Imguru, a pozadinska priča je ova: "The United World College in Mostar is home to more than 40 different nationalities. Located in a city still deeply divided by the war in people’s mind, it often is a symbol for a new generation of all Balkan ethnicities. This year UWCiM was holding a Cultural Parade to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the UWC movement. We all proudly carried our flags through the streets on the Bosnian and the Croatian side of the city. My Serbian friend was walking hand in hand with his Croatian girlfriend. When an old lady asked her how she could dare to walk next to a Serb, she kissed him. This is when I took the picture. It’s nothing special just a couple expressing their love but for us, here in Mostar, it shows that the new generations are not willing to continue a war of minds."




47 komentara
Za komentiranje otvori Lajk.hr
Viktor.Vodenac   •  9 ožujka 2013
Dario.Katičić   •  9 ožujka 2013
ajd serete svi koji ku*rac! ljudi se vole mos mislit,rat je bio,rat je proso nastavite zivit!
Index   •  9 ožujka 2013
Genijalac, poljubac je pljuvanje na Domovinski rat? Jel kad Hrvat Srbinu kaže "bok" pljuvanje na Domovinski rat? "I sve prije toga"? Znači ovo je pljuvanje i na Jugoslaviju? Dok se odlučuješ, deaktiviran si.
bez_cenzure   •  9 ožujka 2013
Dionysius007 - daj molim te objasni nama neukima onda šta je rješenje? Mrziti? Jedina sramota ovdje je tvoje razmišljanje...
Lapidoth   •  9 ožujka 2013
source: http://imgur.com/CTsldXN