Doktor objasnio zašto rijetko osjetimo ubod komarca

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UBOD komarca rijetko ćemo osjetiti. Dr. Sermed Mezher iz Londona objasnio je da je razlog što slina komaraca ima sličnu kvalitetu kao anestetik.

"Ubodom insekta počinje ubrizgavanje lokalnog anestetika u kožu, tako da ga nećete osjetiti. U kožu ulazi šest igala, od čega jedna probija kožu, a druga otkriva i pije krv iz krvnih žila", rekao je.

Mogu proći minute ili sati dok ne osjetimo ubod komarca. Prema liječniku, proces uboda je "toliko učinkovit da će komarac nestati dok mi shvatimo što se dogodilo".

@drsermedmezher Do You Know How Technical a Mosquito Bite is? #nature A mosquito bite may seem like a simple encounter, but from a technical standpoint, it involves a series of intricate processes. When a mosquito lands on the skin and pierces it with its proboscis, several remarkable mechanisms come into play. First, the mosquito's saliva contains compounds that act as local anesthetics and anticoagulants. The anesthetics numb the area, ensuring that the bite goes unnoticed, while the anticoagulants prevent blood from clotting, allowing the mosquito to feed freely. As the mosquito probes for blood vessels, it employs specialized sensors to detect the body's heat and the carbon dioxide we exhale, helping it locate capillaries close to the skin's surface. The proboscis, which consists of multiple components, penetrates the skin delicately, avoiding nerves and blood vessels while reaching the target vessels. During feeding, the mosquito's saliva enters the skin, triggering an immune response from our body. This immune response leads to the characteristic itchy, swollen bump commonly associated with mosquito bites. Interestingly, mosquitoes have evolved an extraordinary ability to find blood vessels and withdraw blood without causing significant damage or discomfort. Their feeding technique involves a combination of chemical cues, sensory perception, and a complex proboscis structure, all working in harmony to facilitate their meal. #MosquitoBite #Proboscis #Saliva #Anesthetics #Anticoagulants #Sensors #BloodVessels #ImmuneResponse #Itchiness #Swelling #FeedingTechnique #CarbonDioxide #IntricateProcesses #MosquitoControl #MosquitoBorneDiseases #TechnicalAspects #Research #Prevention #MosquitoSensors #Innovation #doctor #medicine #healthcare #interesting #interestingfacts #interestingthings #interestingvideos #healthcare #fypシ ♬ Suspense, horror, piano and music box - takaya

Grizu nas samo ženke komaraca jer "trebaju dodatnu hranu da bi mogle hraniti svoje mlade", kaže dr. Mezher.

"Komarci su evoluirali tako da imaju izvanrednu sposobnost pronalaska krvnih žila i sisanja krvi bez nanošenja značajne štete ili nelagode", kaže.

Istraživanja su pokazala da ženke komaraca slijede oblake bogate ugljikovim dioksidom, plinom koji izdišemo. Komarci biraju koga će ugristi i na temelju vrste i količine znoja koji proizvodimo.

Toplina se također pokazala važnom. U istraživanju su se predmeti temperature tijela pokazali zanimljivijim komarcima od onih sobne temperature.

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