Neki ljudi u jutarnjoj rutini pranja zubi idu korak dalje pa koriste i vodicu za ispiranje usta, ali to bi mogla biti loša ideja. Liječnik Sermed Mezher upozorio je da upotreba vodice za ispiranje usta uklanja dobre bakterije u ustima, povećavajući rizik od visokog krvnog tlaka.
Visoki krvni tlak, također poznat kao hipertenzija, može povećati rizik od kardiovaskularnih bolesti, uključujući moždani udar, koronarnu bolest srca i srčani udar, piše Daily Record.
Mezher je na TikToku objavio video kako bi upozorio svoje pratitelje na ovaj neobičan problem. "Nemojte koristiti vodicu za ispiranje usta, vaše će zdravlje biti zahvalno", rekao je u isječku.
@drsermedmezher Don’t Use Mouthwash, Your Health Will Thank You For It #minty. While mouthwash can be a valuable part of oral hygiene, there are considerations and potential drawbacks to its regular use. Some reasons to be cautious include: 1. Disruption of Oral Microbiome: Mouthwash, especially those containing antimicrobial agents, can disrupt the balance of good and bad bacteria in the mouth, affecting the oral microbiome. 2. Alcohol Content: Many mouthwashes contain high levels of alcohol, which may lead to dry mouth and contribute to bad breath over time. 3. Masking Underlying Issues: Regular use of mouthwash might mask symptoms of underlying dental issues, making it harder to identify and address problems. 4. Oral Sensitivity: Some individuals may experience increased oral sensitivity or irritation with certain mouthwash formulations. 5. Potential Staining: Certain mouthwashes may contain ingredients that contribute to tooth staining over time. 6. Flushing Away Fluoride: Rinsing immediately after brushing might wash away the fluoride from toothpaste, which is beneficial for preventing cavities. While occasional use of mouthwash as part of an oral hygiene routine is generally acceptable, its overuse or reliance on it as a substitute for proper brushing and flossing may have unintended consequences. #OralHealth #DentalCare #MouthwashConcerns #OralHygiene #DentalWellness #OralMicrobiome #MouthwashEffects #AlcoholFreeOralCare #DentalAwareness #MouthwashDebate #HealthySmile #DentalTips #DentistryInsights #OralHealthMatters #DentalHygiene #TeethCare #OralMicroflora #DentalCautions #FluorideProtection #WellnessWisdom #fyp #fypシ #medicine ♬ snowfall - Øneheart & reidenshi
Raspravljao je o studiji koju je proveo stomatolog i epidemiolog Kaumudi Joshipura, koji je istraživao kako vodica za ispiranje usta utječe na krvni tlak. U studiju je bilo uključeno oko 1000 sudionika, a gotovo 50 posto od tog broja redovito je koristilo vodicu za ispiranje usta.
Tijekom trajanja istraživanja otkriveno je da je oko 12 posto ljudi razvilo visoki krvni tlak. Liječnik tvrdi da ga je to zaista iznenadilo.
"Dakle, dobre bakterije u ustima pomažu u snižavanju krvnog tlaka. Nemojte ih ubijati korištenjem vodice za ispiranje", zaključio je Sermed Mezher.