NIJE tajna da se mnogi vole malo urediti u Photoshopu i sličnim programima prije nego što objave fotografije na društvenim mrežama, no neki u tome ponekad zaista pretjeruju.
Portal Bored Panda nerijetko objavljuje liste najgorih fotošopiranih fotki, a na njegovoj najnovijoj listi ponovo se našao Marko Grubnić. Riječ je o fotografiji s njegovom mamom Brankom koju je modni stilist objavio za Božić.
Izdvojili su i fotografiju Khloe Kardashian na kojoj su reality zvijezdi prsti na rukama jako dugi. O ovoj fotografiji već se i ranije raspravljalo na društvenim mrežama.
"Ako pogledate njezine ranije fotografije, vidjet ćete da nema tako duge prste. Ne znam zašto toliko uređuje fotke, super izgleda", "Potrebne su dvije sekunde da se shvati koliko je ovo fotošopirano", "Što ti je s prstima?", "Ruka ti je tako duga", "Imaš najduže prste koje sam ikad vidio", pisali su ljudi na Instagramu.
U nastavku pogledajte i ostale Photoshop failove koje je izdvojio navedeni portal.
Abusing the perspective tool gave her a terrible side effect.
by u/AwarAddendum in Instagramreality
I am afraid
by u/cricketchubs in Instagramreality
Her entire Instagram page is like this
by u/shi7863 in Instagramreality
Nice phone
by u/WinterPlanet in Instagramreality
I just don’t get how anyone finishes editing this and goes ‘yep, that’s the perfect photo!’
by u/hazelinside in Instagramreality
They even shopped the background 😩
by u/shgrannn in Instagramreality
His face never changes in any photo. It’s the same smooth face every time. Found in the wild.
by u/MotherofPorgs in Instagramreality
Seriously? This is getting ridiculous. Do people actually believe this bs?
by u/Morg172 in Instagramreality
Foundation so good it even blurs your hair…
by u/Emerald_Mistress in Instagramreality
Uncanny valley
by u/thedaniel_mendez in Instagramreality
She calls herself a Greek Kim K 🙄
by u/Capital-Abies9458 in Instagramreality
Her post and her live.
by u/Extra_Anywhere5901 in Instagramreality
I didn't know quality protein powder could remove vital organs
by u/srah42 in Instagramreality
When you blend so much your teeth get blurry
by u/throwawayaccount8649 in Instagramreality
Dating apps in Vegas be like
by u/digitecca in Instagramreality