Beros: It is better for a child to live in a group home than with a same-sex couple

HDZ MEMBER Vili Beros and SDP member Arsen Bauk, lead candidates of the 10th constituency, made an appearance on the N1 channel.
At the end of the show, during which they discussed current topics and programs, the host asked them if it was better for children who were separated from their biological families to live in a group home or with a same-sex couple.
Arsen Bauk replied that it is better for a child to be with a family, but the Minister of Health did not agree.
"That is a delicate situation. If the group home environment is healthy for a child, that would be a better option," Beros said.
Both Bauk and Beros condemned the shameful banner displayed in Zagreb insulting Serbs.
Regarding their position on the electoral lists, they both pointed out that the parties decide among themselves which of their candidates can get the most votes. This means that the candidates do not necessarily run in their place of residence, as well as that some candidates cannot win the most votes outside of their place of residence.
Beros on abortion: The right to choose is important
Beros also commented on the abortion law. "The law is not restrictive, and it needs to be modernized. The right to choose is absolutely important, and according to the decision of the Constitutional Court, a clear framework has been established. We cannot go against certain civilizational frameworks. Talking about prevention is much more important. We need to do everything we can to make sure it does not come to an abortion at all," said Beros, adding that it is important to make sure that not every doctor in a hospital appeals to conscience and refuses to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.
Croatia's response to the coronavirus
Beros stated that Croatia responded perfectly to the coronavirus, but Bauk did not agree.
"The first phase of our response pertains to the establishment of the so-called Coronavirus Task Force, when the whole country showed solidarity, and there was undivided support for both the government and the work of the Coronavirus Task Force. The second phase was when the Coronavirus Task Force became a government Task Force, when they went beyond epidemiological decision-making and started making government decisions. During this phase, the Task Force slowly moved away from the phase of national unity and became a government-affiliated agency. The third, worst phase, was when the HDZ adopted a decision regarding the holding of the elections, and the Task Force became a HDZ Task Force," said Bauk.
He added that in April, Beros was the most popular politician in Croatia, while in May, he was the second most popular, and in June, the third most popular. "The curve went downwards as the Task Force started being used in favor of the HDZ's campaign," said Bauk.
Beros replied that his goal was not to gain popularity during his work in the Task Force, but that it came to that for a number of reasons, as well as that his popularity was based on his expertise. "If the Task Force had been a political body, then it would have existed until the elections," Beros said on the N1 channel.

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